Kamis, Desember 31, 2009
Venezuela to buy 100 MBT
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Label: MBT
South Korean submarine added
Korea had previously ordered three KSS-II / Type 214 in 2000 which agreed assembled by Hyundai Heavy Industries. Batch 2 (current), ordered another six, 65 m long ship and this time weight 1.700 tons. This time the contract fell to Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering. Type 214 would strengthen the three submarine U-209 Chang Bo-go who purchased in 1994. Korea is known to have several submarine development programs such as advanced SCC-III to type submarines 3000 tons.
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 20.13 0 komentar
Label: Submarine
Global Hawk Block 30 and Block 40
U.S. Air Force contracts worth U.S. $ 303 million to Northrop Grumman to produce five Global Hawk UAVs. UAV is made of Block 30 and 40 and will be sent next year.
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Label: UAV
Super Carrier CVN-21
With his ability, CVN-21 could increase the number of aircraft to be transported, but it uses the new nuclear energy and new power plants capable of providing electric capacity 2-3 times compared to the previous ships. Launcher system will use the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launching System (EMALS), replace the steam catapult and arresting gear is advanced and integrated combat electronics. Another advantage CVN-21, including increase in flight deck, more reliable weapons system, simplification of aircraft services, and platforms are more flexible.
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Label: CVN
China strengthens ZBD

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Brazilian Special Force
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Label: special force
Germany buy Heron
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Label: UAV
France buy 1500 NVG
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War against the pirates in Somalia
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Peru looking for Landing Ship Tank
Peru is looking for two tank landing craft used by the U.S. and noted the targeted vessel is the Newport class landing ship tank Fresno and Racine.
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Label: Landing Ship Tank
Indonesia army shooting contest winner AARM-19
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Label: Army
France ready Felin
Felin consists of 150 items, 73 of which are standard equipment, infantry would take at least 73 items (including weapons, ammunition, food, water) with a weight of 26 kg. Heavy equipment is designed Felin good use when bergerak.Felin including a protective layer and the soldiers will carry 11 items of electronic, helmet includes 13 items (goggles, digital cameras, Ballistic visor, night vision equipment, commo and others) and water in the tube was brought back (cameback container) such as used American soldiers and mountain climbers.
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Indonesian and Singapura Army Exercice Salkar Indopura
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Senin, September 07, 2009
Greek Navy Mulls Frigate Specification
The Hellenic Navy(HN) is finalising the spesification for its new multipurpose frigate acquisition programme and now waiting for a green light from the goverment to proceed with its implementation. The target of six frigates arguably looks ambitious especially considering the initial budget of EUR2.2 billion is expected to grow, the HN therefore has stated that a minimum of four frigate should be acquired with two more as an option.
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Sabtu, September 05, 2009
Greek Submarine Completes Trials In Heavy Seas
The Hellenic Navy's Type 214 Submarine HS Papanikolis successfully completed futher sea trials at the end of September.Currently berthed as its German ship builder ThyssenKrupp Marine System's (TKMS) shipyard in Kiel, Germany. Papanikolis is the first vessel to be built as part of a contract for three Type 214 boats signed between the company and the Greek Ministry of Defence (MoD) in February 2000; subsequently a further boat was ordered in May 2002.
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CH-53K Order USMC
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Label: Helicopter. marine
Rabu, September 02, 2009
Pakistan Commisions AIP-Equipped Agosta
All the submarine are equipped with the SM 39 Exocet surface to surface missile, capable of hitting target out to 27 nm and ECAN F17P Mod 2 Torpedo.
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 12.47 0 komentar
Label: Navy.
Genuine India Arihant INS
So far, India's has an 16 diesel-powered submarines, including 10 Russian-made Kilo class and four German-made vessels. India also has pushed the contract to buy six Scorpene submarines made in France that will arrive between 2012-2017.
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 12.26 0 komentar
Label: Submarine
Buy Canada 15 CH-47F
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6 French Nuclear Submarine
Procurement of six ships will take place from 2017 until 2028, the first metal cutting has been done on the same day at the DCNS facilities, six ships will replace the Rubis / Amethyst class. Barracuda has the ability to conduct intelligence gathering missions, special forces delivery, stocking of sea mines, battle with surface ships, and would face each other submarines.
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 11.39 0 komentar
Selasa, September 01, 2009
Shelde Start Building First Of Four Netherlands OPVs
Whith ship deliveries scheduled for 2011-13, the Holland class OPVs will be used patrolling, surveilance and interdiction in the Netherland' exclusive economic zone and in waters off the Netherland Antilles and Aruba, two 5,400 kw diesel engines will give the Holland class vessels a maximum speed of 21,5 knot.
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 22.12 0 komentar
Israel F-35 Order
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Australian Submarine
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Label: Submarine
SAAB To Suply Canadian Frigate Combat System
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The "Protector " USV ( Unmanned Surface Vehicle)
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Israel Warship

Blohm and Voss Meko developed in two variants namely corvette Meko A-100 and Frigate Meko A-200 weighs 3500 tons. From discussions with the Israeli Defense TKMS, at least two ships will be built in Haifa, Israel.
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German Approves Third Berlin Class Ship Contruction
Intended to enter service in 2013, the new vessel will be built by consortium of four German shipyard led by Flashburger Shiffbau Gessellschaft and will incorporate a number of improvements on the existing ships, Berlin and Frankfurt Am main.
The two 20,240 ton auxiliaries which were commissioned in 2001 and 2002, will be increasingly hard pressed to support the navy's five new Braunschweig class (K130) corvettes as well as its 15 Frigates.
The new ship will cost almost twice as much as its predecessors, incorporating lessons learned from operational deployments.
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Label: combat support ship, German, Navy
Jumat, Agustus 28, 2009
South Korean torpedo test
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Label: Navy, South Korean, Torpedo
Taiwan to accept Kidd class destroyers
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Submarine Sauro (Coastal Area Specialist)
Designed shipyard Italcantieri, Sauro formally entered operational service in 1980 and the Italian variant of modernization of this class are named Improved sauro, was introduced in the late 1980s. Specifications: length: 63.9 m Crew: 45 men, range surface: 20,385 km at a speed of 14 knots, diving range: 465 km at a speed of 4 knots, diving depth: 250 m, weaponry: 6 tube launchers, 12 torpedoes A184 units or 24 mines.
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F/A-18 Super Hornet Retreat from Switzerland
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Label: Airforce, F/A-18 Super Hornet
Kamis, Agustus 27, 2009
Bulava Production Beckons
Bulava 30 can carry six or more independently targetable nuclear warheads and will equip Borey class SSBNs from 2010 when the first boat, Yuri Dolgoruky enters service.
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Diposting oleh Zhibond di 21.28 0 komentar
Label: missile
Selasa, Agustus 25, 2009
Brazil Want Torpedo
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Chile to buy Harpoon
U.S. Congress approved the purchase of 20 units of missile RGM-84L Harpoon Block II to Chile. The total amount spent for the missile procurement programs reach 50 million dollars. The plan all Harpoon will be installed on a fleet of warships Dutch Navy Frigate ex newly purchased Chile
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HMS Invincible early retirement
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Label: aircraft carrier, Navy
Orion To Pakistan
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Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat
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Sea Jet
The uniqueness does not stop until there, behind him there is a new type of propulsion called water jet device reportedly developed by the legendary British engine manufacturer, Rolls Royce. If deemed suitable to be used then the concept of Sea Jet is going to be applied to level Destroyer warships.
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Indian Submarine
Call it anti-ship missile installation of Club-S and increased combat capabilities and navigation devices hydro-acoustic.
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Missile AGM-114 Hellfire
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Label: missile
Philippines Search Heli Attack
Philippines Department of Defense has approved a fund worth 134 million U.S. dollars for the procurement of helicopter attack and versatile. Class heli AH-1 Cobra but the lighter, less sophisticated and less expensive is a targeted helicopter.
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 03.49 0 komentar
Battlecruiser Kirov class
With two nuclear reactors that became a source of motive power, Kirov able to race without stopping while the rivals must be accompanied by the supply ship during remote operation, Granit missiles which brought a scourge of multi-variant own engagement with the program they have. If fired several missiles at once, they can share objective data with a different route.
Unfortunately, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the fate of Kirov so uncertain. Russia's financial difficulties can only operate two of the four ships that have been built, RSF and RSF Nakhimof Admiral Pyotr Velikiy.
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 03.19 0 komentar
Label: Battlecruiser, Navy
Lanzhou Class Destroyer ships (Type 052C)
Chinese pride destroyer is the first Navy ship bamboo curtain country dilengkapai type phased array radar called SAPARS (Shipborne Active Phased Array Radar System), similar AN/SPY-1. It is said that this sophisticated sensing could not be separated from technical support Ukraine. Sonar Affairs also not free from foreign technical, such as France.
Lanzhou carried weapons including a cannon caliber 100mm Type 210, two 30mm caliber CIWS, eight anti-missile c602, remote SAM 48 HQ-9 semi-active radar-guided, 76 anti-submarine rockets and six torpedo tubes, Lanzhou capable of carrying a helicopter anti-submarine , could be Ka-28 Russian-made or Z-9 locally made (N AS365 Dauphin Heli license China) after Lanzhou, China also made a unit of another ship that is Haikou sister ships.
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 02.17 0 komentar
Label: Navy
RAM for KDX-3 Destroyer
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Senin, Agustus 24, 2009
Hobart Class Contract signed
Contracts have been signed by L-3 Communications, Sagem and Terma for the provision of combat system capabilities in Australia's future Hobart class destroyers. Worth a total of AUD 18 million, the three contracts will see the delivery of an infrared seach and track capability and a navigation radar system for the 5,850 ton air warfare ships.
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USS Harpers Ferry (LSD 49)
On 1 September 2002, Ferry was assigned to the base Sosebo, Japan to replace USS Germatown (LSD-42) and joined the Amphibious Group 1 in the Essex Amphibious Ready Group.
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 13.59 0 komentar
Task Force (Task Force) U.S. Seventh Fleet
* Task Force 70 (CTF 70): It is the Battle Force or Task Force. CTF is divided into two groups, the first group is the Surface Combatant Force (surface combat troops). Consists of a cruiser (Cruiser) and Destroyer ships (destroyers). The second group is the Carrier Strike Force or Army Mother Ship, the USS Kity Hawk (CV-63) which has a Mother Ship Air Wing (Carrier Air Wing-5). In conducting its operations tasks, the Task Force Battle Force and the aircraft carrier accompanied CVW-5.
* Task Force 72 (CTF-72): It is Reconnaisance Patrol Task Force or Patrol and Reconnaissance. CTF is mainly comprised of aircraft anti-submarine (ASW) and maritime patrol aircraft like the P-3 Orion and the spy plane EP-3 is operated from the mainland.
* Task Force 73 (CTF-73): It is the Force Logistic or Logistic Task Force. CTF is composed of ships suppliers (supply ships) and support vessels (support vessels).
* Task Force 74 (CTF-74): It is the Fleet Submarine Force or Task Force Fleet submarine). CTF is responsible for operations of the submarine.
* Task Force 75 (CTF-75): There is Surface Combat Force (Surface Combatant Force) that under the CTF -70. CTF is responsible for the operation of the cruiser (Cruiser) and destroyers (Destroyers).
* Task Force 76 (CTF-76): It is the Amphibious Assault Task Force or Strike Amphibious Task Force. CTF is responsible for the support of the Marine landing operations. Consists of units capable of landing the landing troops. The ships are operated between the other class Tarawa, Wasp class Amphibious assault ships and craft Landing.
* Task Force 77 (CTF-77): There is Carrier Strike Force or the Master Ship Task Force under CTF-70. Consists of the USS Kitty Hawk with air Wing, CVW-5.
* Task Force 79 (CTF-79): It is the Marine Expeditionary Unit. Also known as the Landing Force or landing troops. Consists of a battalion of Marines and supporting equipment.
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Label: America, Navy, Task Force US Navy
Pacific Fleet Command Aircraft carrier
* USS Kitty Hawk (CV-63)
* USS Nimitz (CVN-68)
* USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70)
* USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72)
* USS John C Stennis (CVN-74)
* USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76)
Six aircraft carriers above are part of around 12 aircraft carriers are owned by the U.S. today. Six other aircraft carriers, the USS Enterprise (CVN-65), USS John F Kennedy (CV-67), USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN-69), Theodere USS Roosevelt (CVN-71), USS George Washington (CVN-73 ), and USS Harry S Truman (CVN-75) is under the control of Commander U.S. Atlantic Fleet (COMLANTFLT).
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 09.52 0 komentar
Label: aircraft carrier
U.S. Navy Fleet
* Fleet unity: It is U.S. Coast Guard. Being in the Navy command in a state of war or emergency.
* The second fleet: Being under the control of Commander U.S. Atlantic Fleet. Ship flagship USS Mount Whitney. headquartered in Norfolk, Virginia.
* Third Fleet: The main operating area of East Pacific Ocean and the North. Ship flagship USS Coronado. Headquartered in San Diego, California.
* Fifth Fleet: The main operating area east of the center. Headquartered in Manama, Bahrain.
* Sixth Fleet: Regional operations in the Mediterranean Sea. Ship flagship USS La Salle.
* Seventh Fleet: The main operating area in the Western Pacific, Indian Ocean and Arabian Gulf. Ship flagship USS Blue Ridge. Headquartered in Yokosuka.
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 09.00 0 komentar
Label: Amerika, Armada laut AS, Navy
Marine Aircraft Group 36 (MAG-36)
Diposting oleh Zhibond di 07.57 0 komentar
Label: Navy
Minggu, Agustus 23, 2009
RSS Panglima
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Turkey to buy Heli
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Label: Heli Seahawk, Navy
Europe aircraft carrier
Two European countries, France and England agreed to build aircraft carriers. Jane's Defense Industry said France would use the program's future aircraft carriers English (CVF) as a project pa2. This project is done Thales and DCN. Mother Ship pa2 France's estimated to weigh 60,000 tons.
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Label: aircraft carrier
South Korea warship
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Label: Navy
New LHD Spanish
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